Thursday, September 8, 2016

Exploring Stories through Interactive Media

This is a recording of myself and Norah Lorway's set during the Tidal.Signal~ Festival which took place in August 2016 @ Selectors' Records in Vancouver, BC. I chose to share this work because I think it embodies most of the components of my musical practice. I am interested in improving with sound through various digital signal processors and live instruments. Here, we are using SuperCollider, Max/MSP and Ableton to drive sound and processes the acoustic clarinet, while listening and responding to each others' audio sources.
 'Hakanai' is an interactive audio/visual piece for dance. I chose this work because I would love to explore human emotions / memories / stories by combining these themes through dance performance and interactive media.


  1. Wow, both of these are AWESOME. I especially liked Hakanai because I thought it was so cool how the dancer's motions had a visual story accompanied by the technology (does that make sense?). I think I also felt a greater emotional connection to this piece because of the visual technology, (sorry I can't think of a better word) which made the story a lot clearer. Usually when I watch dancers perform, I never really feel anything because to me, they're just moving around but with the visuals in this piece, it helped me make a connection between the movements and the emotions. If you're up for it, I would be super interested in working on a piece like this with you!

  2. Re: your work, I love the textures! And the rhythms! As a choreographer and dancer, I see the dance I would do in my head. Now I just need to get up and try it...

  3. Hakanai was stunning - it was a beautiful blend of so many disciplines in a seamless fashion.
