Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Interested in discovering unique and surprising musical material only possible through collaboration!!!

This is a acoustic and kinetic sculpture installation I worked in last semester.  The idea here was to find passive ways to interact with a acoustic instrument.  First of all by not touching the instrument to create a sound, and second of all to not be confined to the limits of single input/output systems of interaction.

I also am very fascinated by dance.  Making many friends in the department of dance over the years has peaked my interest in the world of movement and music.

As for this course, I think I am interested in musical and sound material.  I am inspired by the miles davis dark magus, get up with it, on the corner era.  His electric trumpet is incredible.

I also saw Bon Iver perform their new unreleased album live for the first time.  There is a song where the bass player is playing saxophone, and the instrument is mic'd and being vocoded and processed in various ways.  I love the result.  Heres a clip.

It should be queued to 38:15, if  not go there.  That is the piece.

Anyways, I will say I am not going to let myself be attached to this work, for this class.  I am eager to find out what other people like and see what the best collaborative project is available to our groups various interest and skill sets.


  1. I love the sculpture you created because it crafts the environment such that when elements are affected by other elements (eg a moving body) their natural sounds are not the typical "environmental" sounds of the original space.

  2. I am really digging the Rain Sticks - it looks like you've got some Jedi powers over there! Jokes aside, it is a stunning piece of work. Congratulations!
