Sunday, September 25, 2016

The typical structure version

Gunter Hampel Music & Dance Improvisation - Black Box Theater

This video presents one musician and one dancer working in a black box space. The reason I'm posting it is because 1) we have used this structure (with two musicians, one dancer) to experiment inside and have considered including it as part of our final offering, 2) I found it really difficult to find videos to go beyond this mold into some of the things we also talked about, including shifting roles, playing with text, audience participation, and presenting what happens during the "warm-up" period typically prior to a performance as part of the performance. So this video represents a more typical structure of how musicians and dancers improvise together.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool! I can really appreciate how much energy is being invested by all parties and for such an extended amount of time. I'm really excited to be working with you!
