Friday, September 16, 2016

Flute and general music terms that I like

I like these words more for the effect they are associated with but:

Jet Whistle - This is a loud glissando type of pitched sound that is created by blowing a high-pressure air stream right into the flute with the lip plate (some more jargon there) completely covered. The name perfectly describes the sound and it is something only the flute can do, so I like it a lot.

Other terms I like are more general musical terms:

Cadence - I like the sound of this word and also like resting points in music, whether resolved or unresolved.

Ostinato - Again I like this word because of what it represents - the repeated alternation of two different time signatures or just a repeated rhythmic figure. I love composers who use repeated rhythms, like Steve Reich, Fulvio Caldini and David Lang. I guess that's why I'm drawn to electronic dance music :D

A word that has been used to describe my group of people - I will use my orchestra in Johannesburg - "band". It's fine if this is used by one of us as a joke but it if someone genuinely thinks we are a band, they clearly have never been to a symphony concert.

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