Thursday, October 13, 2016

Thus far, we've done a lot of talking...

Thus far, we've done a lot of talking.  Some of that talking has included recording and making sound scores out of it, but mostly it's been conceptual.  The first rehearsal we jumped in and made stuff together as a PAT major, musician and dancer, and it didn't feel connected.  Personally I felt like I wasn't being challenged via this process as it is something I have done a lot over the years; I can make experimental dance in the same time and space as experimental music in my sleep.  What I'm afraid of is being a musician in performance, and thus it is what I am most excited about in this collaboration.  The opportunity to play together with technology is fun, but I am interested in getting to a place where I can engage with it with my own language (that of dance performance and choreography).  At our next rehearsal we're going to start making stuff again and I'm excited to see how our experiments will change.

As for improvement, I know we are expected to do more and talk less, however I think this time was important.  I know most of my most satisfying and productive collaborative rehearsals for previous projects involve more talking than dancing/music making, as that is the most obvious/initial common language, and by extension I trust and value this process as a way to build community among the group.  I do appreciate the value of making stuff too... really ;-)

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