Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Mixing Max, Abelton and Live Performance

I know some of you may be using MaxMSP software, and some of you may be using Ableton and Max4Live.  Just thought you should know about some free Max4Live packs that could be very helpful in this situation.  In case you didn't know they were there, Ableton hosts a huge repository of add-ons for both Ableton and Max4Live, and many of them are free. Here is the main page:


The ones I am thinking about particularly for our application are the Max for Live Essentials and the M4L Building Tools.  Both are free and are located here:


and Building Tools:


Particularly, I'm thinking of the Envelope Follower in the Essentials that will allow you to take incoming audio from an acoustic instrument and convert it into control data.  If you have any questions, please ask!

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