Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Creative Process

I have been really enjoying myself, Carlos' and AJ's approach to developing our work together. Before we start experimenting, we've been discussing our personal practice strategies and philosophies on our art (why we do what we do, how do we process our own art making? What are we influenced by?). This has been very engaging because it allows us to get to know each other not only through our physical collaboration, but also on a more personal level, which informs our experimental proccess.
From there, we have been taking turns adding elements of our thoughts and influences by directing each other on what we are envisioning, and adjusting on hand based on feedback we give to one another.
At this point, we've been primarily focusing on the sonic components of our piece, by improvising with laptop, voice and percussion. I think that this has been a great start because it allows ourselves to just think about one medium before we dive into adding other elements that will be incorporated into our work (movement and visuals). We are working on a structural form and narrative of our work,  and we look forward to adding the other the modalities into our piece in the up and coming weeks.

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