Thursday, October 6, 2016

Improvisational strategy for DMJ

In the Daphna, Molly and Jeffrey team, we have been working with group improvisations at the dance building and experimenting with different prompts like key words, electronic media and just responding to each other's ideas. Molly posted a short excerpt of one of our recorded improvisations over "pink noise" in our team page on the blog - check it out!

In terms of what we will use for the final project, we will base our improvisations and the overall form of our piece based on texts that Molly recited in one of our initial meetings. My personal favorite was "Landing... time to be still" (I can't remember the name of the author - Molly, help??) about coming from a place of chaos and "arriving" into your body. I don't want to give too much away too soon so stay tuned!


  1. That's so cool that you're all experimenting with prompts like key words. Steve Rush uses a similar concept of using a random word generator and going from there with your piece in DRA. I think it's such a great method.

  2. I think it's so interesting that when the two instrumentalists were more stationery the musical ideas were also static, very long notes and beautiful harmonies. Then when the two of you move around more, the musical content is much more frenetic. So fascinating!
