Sunday, October 30, 2016

"abracadabra" isn't a PAT term

The more I work with Sam, the more I appreciate the work that goes into both carting gear around, hooking up all the parts, setting up the computer processing program and making sure everything works.  While I am having a blast experimenting with instruments I have no idea how to play, discovering sounds I can make with objects in my backpack as if no one's done it before, and regulating the playback of various streams of conscious thought I record, I definitely feel like a bulk of an interdisciplinary rehearsal with a PAT major falls on the PAT major, at least to someone who can walk into a room, lie down on the floor, wiggle around for a little while and then hop up ready to work.  As our rehearsal process continues, I'm getting a better sense of what tasks are part of standard practices and what tasks are significant undertakings, something that will hopefully benefit me as a participant in future collaborations involving performing arts technologists.

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