Monday, October 17, 2016

During our first couple of rehearsals, we almost always jumped right into improv without any guidelines just to see what kind of sounds we could get. That seemed to lead us to several dead ends so in the most recent rehearsals, we've been giving ourselves more guidelines, which seems to have been helping tremendously. We also haven't been pressuring ourselves to come up with a concrete idea for a project as much but instead, we've just been experimenting with anything and everything-- in one rehearsal, we played In C, discussed what we liked/didn't like, and extracted ideas from that. In another, we all switched instruments, made sounds (which actually really helped me relax and be more confident with improv), and reflected. In the most recent one, we did something similar but this time, Peter brought out more instruments so there were more sounds we could play with. Having a theme to each rehearsal has definitely been effective because it really seems to have inspired more ideas. As for improvements (this one is really mostly for myself), I think I could be more proactive and energetic in rehearsals. I feel like I'm always waiting for something to happen or am waiting for someone to come up with an idea and lead rehearsals. I think the most important component to this whole process is creating a positive group energy. In the first couple of rehearsals when I was admittedly very indifferent and passive to everything, we weren't going anywhere at all. But the last few rehearsals have gone a lot smoother because I think I've been trying harder to give more opinions/ideas and just generally contributing more positively. 

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