Friday, December 16, 2016

Spencer.... Out.

Yoooo team!

First off, great job to everyone. It seems like a recurring theme for all; but it is truly amazing to see how different each project was from each other as well as how much they've changed for each group throughout the semester. You all were very inspiring to me.

  While reflecting over this semester I am realizing how scary yet beautiful this opportunity was. Speaking for myself, it was kinda of a huge risk to walk into a project with hardly ever collaborating or even knowing your group but by the end of the semester both were accomplished.

The word trust; is a huge thought for me. This semester challenged me to trust myself, my group, and the process. I am still being challenged but this class was definitely a giant stepping stone closer to the river. I came in not trusting myself as an artist, and i've realized so much about my potential. As long as you trust that your idea is valid you will succeed.

One thing that was surprising about our collaborative process was that we didn't have a "set" piece until the last few weeks. I wouldn't have asked for it any other way. For a majority of the semester we were experimenting and chasing ideas. It was amazing. I really enjoyed this compared to orchestra world where its set rehearsals, set schedule, etc.

Some goals or hurdles I over came, where learning how to express ideas and concepts to others in a collaborative setting, as well as breaking out from just being a French Horn player. Although I would still consider Horn player as a title I possess, I made it a goal to get away from that in this class. I also realized in this process how valuable and unique me being a Horn player really is.

Thank you again, to all of you. It was an awesome semester. I am open and look forward to any future collaborations we may have together.

Much love,

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